Thursday, December 20, 2012


I have realized that the manager and assistant manager at my club are stupid. They don't know how to do their job the right way.

Right now the club has experienced a 50% drop in revenue in the last four months. How you say? The managers have stopped doing their job. (Actually they started stopping around the time I started working there... But now they have just decided to take a nap or zombie-style stare at their computer screens their whole shift.) The big boss has started to step in, but he hasn't added anything that has proven to be helpful. I think they need to get a bouncer and a dancer (both of whom are well educated) to run the place because we know how to do it the right way.

So while the managers are taking a big crap on the job, I'm working my ass of for one dance because lets face it, there's one guy in the club and I need that dance.

Merry Christmas. I have no idea how I will pay the fucking bills. Thanks for doing your job.

My New Year's resolution: Win the lottery and leave this fucked-up, hell-hole for ever and ever.

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